Mars Enters Gemini on October 15, 2022. Mars is barely moving, slowing down before beginning its retrograde. Gemini is an unfriendly sign for Mars. Gemini sees things from many points of view; Gemini is the sign of Consensus. Mars is Impatient; Mars has no time for consensus. This position promotes Argument.
Mars begins its Retrograde on October 30, 2022. At this point Mars has only progressed 1 degree into Gemini, and now begins to move ‘backwards’. Mars is a ‘natural malefic’ planet, i.e., capable of Doing Harm. Retrograde planets are strong, therefore Retrograde Mars is more malefic than usual. Retrograde Mars is like a Pressure Cooker: the pressure builds up, ready to Explode.
Mars ‘backs into’ Taurus on November 13, 2022. After two weeks of retrograde motion, Mars returns to Taurus, but now in more malefic condition. Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of Finance. Taurus is particularly concerned with Value and Worth. Retrograde Mars in Taurus is not good for the Financial Sector.
Mars Ends its Retrograde on January 12, 2023. Mars Retrograde lasts for 9 weeks. After it finishes its retrograde, Mars will slowly return to normal forward motion. Mars finally leaves Taurus on March 12, 2023.