The 12 Solar Signs in Vedic Astrology refer to the 12 constellations of the Sidereal Zodiac. The Sidereal Zodiac is the actual, observable series of constellations, as distinguished from the Western Astrologer’s Tropical Zodiac, which does not correspond to the actual constellations.
I am of Aries rising ascendant with Mars, Jupiter, Mercury in the 1st house, Sun in 2nd, Rahu & Venus in 3rd, Moon & Kethu in 9th and Saturn in 11th, Uranus & Pluto in 5th, Neptune in 7th house. I was born on 28th May 1964. I know the birth time precisely. I am in a state of confusion and disturbed about future. Please help me with your opinion
If you are interested in learning more about your chart and your future, you should order a Natal Reading. Please see the Readings page of this website.