Mercury is Influenced by other planets during August 2021. The first influence is from Retrograde Saturn at the beginning of August, while Mercury is still transiting in Cancer. The direct aspect of the planet of Harsh Realities restricts Mercury, causing obstacles for Making Decisions.
Mercury gets away from Saturn’s influence when it transits into Leo on August 8. As soon as it enters Leo, Mercury is opposite to and influenced by Jupiter. Jupiter’s expansive, optimistic energy makes Mercury ‘Think Big.’ But now Mercury must also combine with Mars. In Vedic Astrology, Mars and Mercury are ‘enemies.’ The planet of Reason and Consensus doesn’t do well with the planet of Force & Aggression. The result is Argument, Hasty Decisions, Mistakes, etc., especially in the middle of August.
Mercury next has to deal with the Influence of Neptune. The planet of Fantasy and Confusion is the antithesis of Mercury, planet of Rational Thinking and Reason. This results in Bad Decisions. Mercury is the planet of Communications, therefore The Media. Neptune’s influence indicates Deceptive Reports, Irrational Conclusions, etc.
Finally Mercury escapes the bad influences when it enters Virgo on August 25. Mercury is happy to be in its own sign, the sign of Details & Analysis. Mercury joins up with Venus; Mercury and Venus are ‘friends’ in Vedic Astrology.