Transiting Mars Conjunct Pluto and Saturn

Mars Transits Through Sidereal Capricorn, Conjuncts Pluto & Saturn: March 22 – May 4, 2020

Mars is considered Exalted in Capricorn: it’s the planet of Action in the sign of Tangible Results. As soon as Mars enters Capricorn on March 22, it becomes conjunct Pluto. The planet of Action combines with the planet of Mass Events, indicating Large Scale Events. Mars + Pluto is also an indication of Destruction. They both combine with Saturn, the planet of Established Order. Therefore this 3-planet combination indicates potential Collapse of Established Order.

Saturn is also the planet of Control, strong in its own sign Capricorn. Mars the planet of Force, combined with Saturn planet of Control, and Pluto planet of Mass Events, in Capricorn the sign of Management = Extreme Control on a Large Scale, i.e., Martial Law (Emergency Powers).